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Monday, September 10, 2012

Fringe-Tailed Myotis

The Fringe-Tailed Myotis is a bat and very rare, for I have not heard of this bat before. Myotis means mouse-eared, which is the main characteristic of the bat. The Fringe-Tailed Myotis also has reddish-brown hair with being more pale underneath. Being September, the bats are preparing for hibernation, by using their wings as a blanket, and will become more active again when may arrives.

This bat is located in Caves in the southern Black Hills. The main reason this bat is endangered is from people killing them out of fear. Many people do not realize how important bats are to the world. The bat also has an unusually slow reproductive rate and is limited to geographic regions, which does not help the endangerment of this mammal. Posting and restricting access to caves where they live is the majority of steps taken to help remove the Fringe-Tailed Myotis from the endangered animals list.


  1. Bats scare me so much! I see why people kill them! Are there any still around this area?

  2. These bats look so cute! It is so sad that animals are endangered.

  3. I have never heard of a red bat before.

  4. I have never heard of this bat before. Now that I know bats are good for the environment I will think twice before killing one.

  5. I do not like bats because they are scary bloodsucking creatures. I don't care if they are endangered.

  6. I hate to see an endagerd species like this, but I hate bats

  7. I like bats a lot! They're fun to watch flying at night, and they eat tons of nasty insects.
